Topic of the 3rd VRT: Intellectual property/data usage agreement, ownership of data and discoverability, visibility and re-use of project outcomes.
The aim was to raise awareness and promote an environment that would encourage the discussion and production of a Results Ownership List - ROL and address ethical, legal and intellectual property aspects. Discussed topics:
Definition of the ROL
Data aspects in the Digital Technopole
FAIR for Industry
Guided discussion with focus on discoverability, visibility and re-use of project outcomes (FAIRification); intellectual property/data usage agreement; ownership of data/services; user concept and ROL
Project context
A series of four Interactive Virtual Roundtables (VRTs) was organised within the CO-VERSATILE project. A VRT is an activity and space developed to raise awareness, foster knowledge transfer, generate conceptual alignment, and initiate the adoption of corrective measures whenever there is a demand or a need.
1st VRT: Legal and Ethical issues
2nd VRT: Gender and Intersectionality – Theories, tools and benefits within the context of the Co-Versatile project.
3rd VRT: Intellectual Property – Data usage agreement, ownership of data and discoverability, visibility and re-use of project outcomes
4th VRT: About Results Ownership List (ROL)
Furthermore, the VRTs also opened space for:
Indication of relevant/supportive documents (i.e. GEAR – Gender Equality in Academia and Research)
Collection of partners' testimonials presented in the 1st VRT (i.e. WP2 – Build, Measure and Learn and WP5 - Communication & dissemination activities)
Conducting internal surveys (to monitor and collect data)
Development of auxiliary documents for the consortium members' use, such as dossiers, templates and deliverables.