These data include the subset used by IPCC AR6 WGI authors of the datasets originally published in ESGF for 'CMIP6.HighResMIP.ECMWF.ECMWF-IFS-LR' with the full Data Reference Syntax following the template 'mip_era.activity_id.institution_id.source_id.experiment_id.member_id.table_id.variable_id.grid_label.version'. The ECMWF-IFS-LR (50 km atmosphere and 100 km ocean) climate model, released in 2017, includes the following components: atmos: IFS (IFS CY43R1, Tco199, cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 800 x 400 longitude/latitude; 91 levels; top level 0.01 hPa), land: HTESSEL (as implemented in IFS CY43R1), ocean: NEMO3.4 (NEMO v3.4; ORCA1 tripolar grid; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-1 m), seaIce: LIM2 (LIM v2; ORCA1 tripolar grid; 362 x 292 longitude/latitude). The model was run by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading RG2 9AX, UK (ECMWF) in native nominal resolutions: atmos: 50 km, land: 50 km, ocean: 100 km, seaIce: 100 km.