Particle size spectrum analysis during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM26, spring 2013


A Laser In-Situ Scattering Transmissometer (LISST) was used to collect vertical distribution data of particles from 2.5 to 500 µm in size. The LISST uses a multi-ring detector to measure scattering light of particles from a laser diode. Particles are classified into 32 log-spaced bins and the concentration of each bin is calculated as micro-liters per liter (µl/l). The instrument is rated to a depth of 300 m, and also records temperature and pressure. The sample interval was set to record every second. The LISST was attached to the LOPC frame to conduct casts and allow for particle-size comparisons between the two instruments. The LOPC is rated to a depth of 2000 m, thus a short deployment to a depth of 300 m was first conducted with both instruments. The instruments were then returned to the deck and the LISST removed via a quick release bracket so deep LOPC casts could be continued at a station. Raw LISST size-spectrum data is presented as concentrations for each of the 32 size bins for every second of the cast.

Related Identifier IsPartOf
Metadata Access
Creator Walsh, Harvey Joseph; Hare, Jonathan A
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2014
Funding Reference Seventh Framework Programme Crossref Funder ID 264933 Basin Scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 569097 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-55.979W, 53.358S, -10.863E, 62.857N); North Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 2013-03-25T18:28:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2013-04-14T02:51:00Z