Soil moisture from invasive sampling, capacitance sensor network and cosmic-ray neutron sensing at Katharinentaler Hof (Germany), April to August 2013


The data set accompanies the manuscript: Scheiffele, L. M., Munz, M., Francke, T., Baroni, G., Oswald, S. E. (2024) "Enhancing hectare-scale groundwater recharge estimation by integrating data from cosmic-ray neutron sensing into soil hydrological modelling" (to be submitted to Water Resources Research).

This dataset provides soil moisture measurements collected at the EC1 experimental site located near Katharinentaler Hof, Kraichgau, Germany, spanning from April to August 2013. Soil moisture was continuously monitored using cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) and a network of capacitance sensors. Additionally, four invasive soil moisture sampling campaigns were conducted to complement the dataset, allowing for calibration of the CRNS. The EC1 site is situated within a cluster of eddy covariance stations, as extensively documented in a dat apaper by Weber et al. (2021). However, the detailed soil moisture dataset presented here is not included in their data set.

Additionally, HYDRUS 1D model files as used for the soil moisture and water flux simulations to create the results of the manuscript are provided.

Separate text files are provided for the capacitance sensor network, the cosmic-ray data (neutron counts), and the calibration soil sampling. Each file is accompanied by a JSON file containing metadata and additional information to aid in the utilization of the dataset.

The zip-folder contains files for two consecutive HYDRUS 1D models, spanning the time frame from January to August 2013 and August 2013 to March 2014, as used to produce the results of the study. A more detailed description is contained in a JSON file in the folder. While the provided models are the uncalibrated model, a table containing all the parameter sets from different calibration is provided as well.

The data paper describing also details of the field site EC1: Weber, T. K. D., Ingwersen, J., Högy, P., Poyda, A., Wizemann, H.-D., Demyan, M. S., Bohm, K., Eshonkulov, R., Gayler, S., Kremer, P., Laub, M., Nkwain, Y. F., Troost, C., Witte, I., Reichenau, T., Berger, T., Cadisch, G., Müller, T., Fangmeier, A., … Streck, T. (2022). Multi-site, multi-crop measurements in the soil–vegetation–atmosphere continuum: A comprehensive dataset from two climatically contrasting regions in southwestern Germany for the period 2009–2018. Earth System Science Data, 14(3), 1153–1181. The accompanying data repository provides the additional data required to correct the neutron count time series and calibrate the CRNS soil moisture estimation, as well as data required as inputs for vadose zone modelling (BonaRes Repository, FOR 1695, Weber et al. 2021, )

The sensor network setup is described in detail in: Imukova, K., Ingwersen, J., Hevart, M., & Streck, T. (2016). Energy balance closure on a winter wheat stand: Comparing the eddy covariance technique with the soil water balance method. Biogeosciences, 13(1), 63–75.

The CRNS data and calibration is described in detail in: Baroni, G., Scheiffele, L. M., Schrön, M., Ingwersen, J., & Oswald, S. E. (2018). Uncertainty, sensitivity and improvements in soil moisture estimation with cosmic-ray neutron sensing. Journal of Hydrology, 564, 873–887.

The data set is furthermore used amongst others in the following publications: Scheiffele, L. M., Baroni, G., Franz, T. E., Jakobi, J., & Oswald, S. E. (2020). A profile shape correction to reduce the vertical sensitivity of cosmic-ray neutron sensing of soil moisture. Vadose Zone Journal, 19(1), e20083.

Metadata Access
Creator Scheiffele, Lena M.; Ingwersen, Joachim; Bohm (formerly Imukova), Kristina; Oswald, Sascha E.
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG 357874777
Rights Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact lena.scheiffele(at)
Resource Type Dataset
Format json; txt; zip
Size 14.7 MB; 7 files
Discipline 3.3.12 → Earth sciences → Hydrogeology; 3.3.2 → Earth sciences → Environmental science; 3.3.13 → Earth sciences → Hydrology; 3.3.21 → Earth sciences → Soil science
Spatial Coverage (8.700W, 48.926S, 8.705E, 48.931N); EC1, Katharinentaler Hof
Temporal Coverage 2013-03-31T22:00:00.000Z 2013-08-07T22:00:00.000Z