Bathymetry data based on Multibeam echosounder SB3050 (MBES) was recorded during RV POSEIDON cruise POS462 between 28.10.2013 and 21.11.2013 in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The prime objective of the cruise was the investigation of the 'Anaximander Mountains' south of Turkey and therefore to decipher key processes of mud volcanoes, which led to the emission of gas hydrates in shallow marine sediments. During 8 AUV and several MBES surveys, four mud volcanoes were mapped. The detailed mapping of these mud volcanoes and identification of gas hydrate emissions were the main research interests of the hydroacoustic group on board. Additionally samples of the mud volcanoes were taken using a gravity corer and heat/flow measurements were done. CI Citation: Paul Wintersteller ( as responsible party for bathymetry raw data ingest and approval. Description of the data source: During the RV POSEIDON cruise POS462 the ship-mounted ELAC SB3050 multibeam echosounder with a nominal sounding frequency of 50 kHz was utilized. A maximum of 384 beams with a 1.5°(TX)/2°(RX) footprint are formed for each ping while the seafloor is detected using amplitude and phase information for each beam sounding. For further information consult A maximum range of 2000 was achieved, which caused limitations of the mapped area. Due to static beam positions and angles of the ELAC system the number of beams was reduced according to the depth. In shallower parts a maximum of 160/180 beams were produced. In comparison, in deeper parts (1800/2000m), these numbers were reduced by 40 beams. The Hydrostar software by ELAC was used to gather data. Problems with the navigation sensor and motion sensor CODA F180 were reported (further information can be found in the cruise report). Responsible person for hydroacoustic during this cruise / PI: Christian dos Santos Ferreira ( Scientist: Gerhard Bohrmann ( special thanks goes to the watchkeeper: Ammar Aljuhne