Physicochemical properties and NMR characterization of propeline - precious metals systems


This dataset contains some physicochemical data characteristic of Propeline, a deep eutectic solvent that can be considered as an alternative to commmonly used Ethaline for electrometallurgy applications. Propeline is composed of choline chloride and propylene glycol. All data were compared to Ethaline 1:2 (choline chloride and ethylene glycol). The dataset contains : - density, viscosity and conductivity data, with the influence of water and propylene glycol contents ; - electrochemical stability and electrochemical systems of Ag, Pd and Au (voltammetry) - diffusion coefficients of Ag(I), Pd(II) and Au(I) determined by electrochemical technique (Berzins Delahay, voltammetry in silent conditions) - diffusion coefficients of the DESs components determined by NMR techniques (PFG, DOSY)

TopSpin, 4.0.9

EC-Lab, 11.31

The corresponding publication is currently submitted to Comptes Rendus de Chimie (open access)

Metadata Access
Creator Mba Ekomo, Vitalys; Bertoloni, Calogera ORCID logo; Villemejeanne, Benoît; Lemoine, Charly; Duwald, Romain ORCID logo; Billy, Emmanuel ORCID logo; Mendil-Jakani, Hakima ORCID logo; Legeai, Sophie ORCID logo
Publisher Université de Lorraine
Contributor Legeai, Sophie
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Agence nationale de la recherche ANR-20-CE08-0035-01
Rights Etalab (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Legeai, Sophie (IJL ; Université de Lorraine, CNRS ; France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/plain; application/x-7z-compressed
Size 135; 123; 10104; 10273; 10306; 10145; 10199; 10115; 54053; 6530; 6630; 6621; 6571; 6634; 6550; 36947; 53760; 10071; 10210; 10185; 10139; 13230; 10125; 10569; 5999; 6168; 6111; 6078; 6172; 6037; 9133; 19123; 283; 99970; 17090; 1740; 106576070; 136; 254; 375
Version 3.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences