Sediment temperatures of the Håkon Mosby mud volcano measured continuously with a long temperature lance (LOOME)


The Ifremer T-lance comprises of a coring pipe (outer diameter of 0.115 m) on which in total of 7 temperature sensors (NKE-THP) had been attached. Please note, a complementary upper probe (lest probe ) was attached above the weight of the corer (275 kg, outer diameter of 0.365 m) was intended for bottom water temperature monitoring during the duration of the experiment. However, it was actually driven into the sediment down to an estimated sub-bottom depth of 6.7 m due to over-penetration into soft crater mud. The coring pipe had a plug at its lower end, preventing mud penetration into the pipe. After the recovery of the T-lance, it was checked that there was no mud in the pipe. The T-Lance was deployed at the seafloor at the 26.07.2009 (N 72.0041 E 014.726833,) and recovered at the 30.09.2010 (N 72.0026 E 014.72685). The difference between the two positions is approximately 160 m and the instrument had been moved towards south by mud flows. The temperature probes measured and recorded data every 30 minutes over a time period of 430 days 21 hours 30 minutes, resulting into a total number of 20684 single measurements.

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Metadata Access
Creator Foucher, Jean Paul; Harmegnies, Francois; Feseker, Tomas
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2009
Funding Reference Sixth Framework Programme Crossref Funder ID 36851 European Seafloor Observatory Network
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 330928 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (14.727W, 72.003S, 14.727E, 72.004N); Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano
Temporal Coverage Begin 2009-07-26T17:30:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2010-09-30T14:30:00Z