The Cathedral Peak research catchments in the northern uKhahlamba Drakensberg mountains, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa have been a focus of observation research since the 1940’s. The Drakensberg mountains which fall in the grasslands biome, are a crucial water source area for South Africa, owing to the relatively high rainfall and ratio of rainfall to runoff conversion in this region. This portion of southern Africa's grassland biome also supports phenomenal levels of biodiversity. The research catchments themselves are primary, headwater catchments that fall within a protected area. The catchments were initially established to investigate the influence of various land management treatments on water but over time the research has broadened to a more interdisciplinary focus incorporating carbon–water–energy–biodiversity and the dynamics between these. Although the core of the observation and monitoring is sited in the catchments, the research extends beyond the protected area into communal, state, and privately owned lands. The land beyond the protected area is valued for agriculture, ranging from subsistence agriculture in impoverished villages to large-scale commercial agriculture. Scientific work in the landscape continues to grow and expand.