Guide Star Photometric Catalog, Updated Version 1

The Guide Star Photometric Catalog (GSPC) is an all-sky set of 1477 photoelectrically determined BV sequences covering the magnitude range from 9 to 15. The GSPC was created to provide photometric calibrators for the HST Guide Star Catalog (GSC). Each sequence nominally contains (at least) six stars, each with a photometric precision of 0.05 mag. In practice, a small number of sequences contain fewer stars; and the precisions achieved for the faintest stars are more nearly 0.1 mag. For declinations greater than +3 degrees the sequences generally lie near the centers of the original Palomar Observatory - National Geographic Society Sky Atlas. Other sequences lie near the centers of the ESO/SERC Southern Sky Atlas. The catalog also includes a list of suspected variable stars, a bibliography of literature sequences, and additional information which was useful in the data reduction and for quality control of the final catalog. The full catalog is made of 7 FITS files: tables 1 to 5, references (table 6 of the paper) and the actual catalogue (table 7 of the paper). The ascii versions of Tables 1 to 5 are included in this file; the ascii version of the references (refs.dat) and of the actual catalogue (catalog.dat) are described here. The updated version 1 was created by replacing photometric sequences P040, P421, S335 and S742 in GSPC version 1. The updated sequences have improved photometry and/or positions. In addition the sigma's in V and B-V (here e_V and e_B-V) were replaced with the values provided by the authors when we noted a discrepancy with the published values.

Cone search capability for table II/143A/catalog (Updated GSPC Catalog Version 1 (flat ascii) table 7)

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Metadata Access
Creator Lasker B.M.; Sturch C.R.; Lopez C.; Mallama A.D.; McLaughlin S.F.,Russell J.L.; Wisniewski W.Z.; Gillespie B.A.; Jenkner H.,Siciliano E.D.; Kenny D.; Baumert J.H.; Goldberg A.M.,Henry G.W.; Kemper E.; Siegel M.J.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2007
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics