For iron-based superconductors, their nonsuperconducting parent compounds are antiferromagnetic ordered semi-metals that exhibit a tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition. Below the structural transition temperature these materials are believed to be in an electronic nematic phase that is related to superconductivity. FeSe is special as it does not display static magnetic long range order while a structural transition occurs at ~90K, below which the systems enters into the electronic nematic phase. However recent measurements of spin excitations using inelastic neutron scattering highlight the role of magnetism despite the absence of magnetic order. Recently, FeS, which has the same structure as FeSe, has been discovered to be superconducting as well but does not display the structural transition seen in FeSe. It is therefore extremely interesting to study the magnetic properties of this system and determine the similarities and differences in the magnetic excitation spectrum compared to FeSe. This determination may reveal the connection between the nematic phase and superconductivity.