DYNAMITE: DYNamic phAse-contrast MIcro-Tomography of the human middle Ear


These are datasets of dynamic microtomography conducted at the TOMCAT beamline (SLS, PSI). The samples were fresh-frozen human ear, acoustically stimulated, so vibrating. The table below give the correspondence between datasets (number and block) and sample name + acoustic stimulation parameter (intensity = sound pressure level in decibels and frequency in hertz). The h5 file is the set of projections for the different tomography angles, taken during stimulation of the sample. The waveform.dat file can be used to perform the retrospective gating and sort the projection back according to their acquisition time (corresponding to a specific phase of vibration).

Table of datasets Dataset Sample Block Intensity Frequency 82 Fresh1 na 125 127 83 Fresh1 na 125 127 84 Fresh1 na 125 127 88 Fresh1 na 140 127 89 Fresh1 na 140 127 90 Fresh1 na 140 127 09 Fresh3 _000 120 128 09 Fresh3 _001 120 128 09 Fresh3 _002 120 128 09 Fresh3 _003 120 128 10 Fresh3 _000 110 128 10 Fresh3 _001 110 128 10 Fresh3 _002 110 128 10 Fresh3 _003 110 128 89 Fresh7 _001 110 128 90 Fresh7 _001 120 128 112 Fresh8 _001 110 128 113 Fresh8 _001 120 128 03 B-Fresh1 _002 110 128 04 B-Fresh1 _002 120 128 144 B-Fresh2 _000 110 128 144 B-Fresh2 _001 110 128 145 B-Fresh2 _000 120 128 145 B-Fresh2 _001 120 128 62 B-Fresh3 _000 110 128 62 B-Fresh3 _001 110 128 63 B-Fresh3 _000 120 128 63 B-Fresh3 _001 120 128

DOI https://doi.org/10.16907/e4ae0d62-c7a1-4743-8d46-207e431be4ac
Metadata Access https://doi.psi.ch/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=10.16907/e4ae0d62-c7a1-4743-8d46-207e431be4ac
Creator Anne Bonnin
Publisher PSI
Publication Year 2023
Rights Available to the public.
OpenAccess true
Contact PSI
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline ['Life Sciences', 'Biology', 'Basic Biological and Medical Research']