Site 619, located in the Pigmy Basin off the coast of Louisiana, penetrated the late Quaternary Ericson Zones X, Y, and Z. The penetrated section can be divided into four intervals. The lower interval (below 157 m sub-bottom) comprises 51 m of displaced sediments which probably originated from the Louisiana continental shelf. The upper three intervals (above 157 m) are dominated by pelagic/hemipelagic sedimentation associated with a closed basin. These are divided on the basis of planktonic foraminifers into Zones X, Y, and Z.These warm-cool water intervals are identified mainly by using the Globorotalia menardii complex (warm) and G. inflata (cool). The intervals correlate with published curves taken from piston core samples in the western Gulf of Mexico.
A = abundant (> 10%); C = common (5-10%); F, few (2-5%); R = rare (<2%), /, present (for samples with planktonic counts <30 specimens). Abundance data for other microfossils are given as relative values.
Supplement to: Kohl, Barry (1986): Late Quaternary planktonic foraminifers from the Pigmy Basin, Gulf of Mexico, Site 619, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96. In: Bouma, AH; Coleman, JM; Meyer, AW; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 96, 657-670