We present a study of the 1173 sources brighter than S_1.4GHz_=120{mu}Jy detected over an area of ~1.4deg^2^ in the Lockman Hole field. Exploiting the multiband information available in this field for ~79 per cent of the sample, sources have been classified into radio loud (RL) active galactic nuclei (AGNs), star-forming galaxies (SFGs), and radio quiet (RQ) AGNs, using a variety of diagnostics available in the literature. Exploiting the observed tight anticorrelations between IRAC band 1 or band 2 and the source redshift we could assign a redshift to 177 sources missing a spectroscopic measurement or a reliable photometric estimate. A Monte Carlo approach was used to take into account the spread around the mean relation. The derived differential number counts and luminosity functions at several redshifts of each population show a good consistency with models and with earlier estimates made using data from different surveys and applying different approaches. Our results confirm that below ~300{mu}Jy SFGs+RQ AGNs overtake RL AGNs that dominate at brighter flux densities. We also confirm earlier indications of a similar evolution of RQ AGNs and SFGs. Finally, we discuss the angular correlation function of our sources and highlight its sensitivity to the criteria used for the classification.
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/500/22/table2 (Source catalogue)