Chemical and mineral compositions of sedimentary deposits and magmatic rocks from DSDP Legs 41, 45, 48, and 49


This collective monography by a group of lithologists from the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences summarizes materials of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project from the Atlantic Ocean. It gives results of processing materials on the sequences drilled during DSDP Legs 41, 45, 48 and 49. These studies were based on lithological-facial analysis combined with detailed mineralogical-petrographic description. Its chapters give a number of ideas on formation of the Earth sedimentary cover, which can be used for compilation of regional and global schemes of ocean paleogeography, reconstruction of history of some structures in the World Ocean, correlation between sedimentary processes on continents and in oceans, estimation of perspectives for oil and gas fields and ore formation.

Supplement to: Timofeev, Pyotr P; Rateev, Mikhail A; Renngarten, N V; Varentsov, Igor M; Eremeev, V V; Zolotarev, Boris P (1982): Problemy litologii Mirovogo okeana. Litologiya i geokhimiya Atlanticheskogo okeana (Problems of Lithology of the World Ocean: Lithology and Geochemistry of the Atlantic Ocean). Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 374. Nauka Publ. (Moscow); Timofeev, P.P. (Ed.), 189 pp.

Metadata Access
Creator Timofeev, Pyotr P; Rateev, Mikhail A; Renngarten, N V; Varentsov, Igor M; Eremeev, V V; Zolotarev, Boris P
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Publication Year 1982
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 50 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-46.082W, 5.678S, -8.810E, 63.939N); North Atlantic/CONT RISE; North Atlantic/BASIN; North Atlantic/CONT SLOPE; North Atlantic/SEDIMENT POND; North Atlantic/TERRACE; North Atlantic/SLOPE; North Atlantic/PLATEAU; North Atlantic/RIDGE; North Atlantic/FRACTURE ZONE
Temporal Coverage Begin 1975-02-22T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1976-08-28T00:00:00Z