Data of parameters presented as figures in the manuscript: Biogenic silica (BSi: µmol.L-1), Lithogenic silicon (LSi: µmol.L-1), Total Chlorophyll a (TChla: mg.m-3) and Fucoxanthin (Fuco: mg.m-3).
Note that:
- Total fraction for BSi and LSi is available from Niskin bottles (> 0.8 µm) and in situ pumps (> 0.45 µm);
- Size-fractions for BSi and LSi is available from in situ pumps only (5-53 µm; > 53 µm);
- Total fraction for TChla and Fuco is available from Niskin bottles (> 0.7 µm).
- Integrated data (0-200 m) is available from Niskin Bottles.
Acronym explanations:
- Sampling type: ISP = In Situ Pump; ISP-SF = In Situ Pump with Size-Fraction; NSK = Niskin.
- Method used for BSi and LSi computation: NOC = No Correction applied; RAG = Correction using the method used from the protocol established by Ragueneau et al. (2005); ACR = Average Crustal Ratio method used when one of the criterion from the protocol established by Ragueneau et al. (2005) is not respected.
- bdl = Below Detection Limit
For further explanations in the method, should you please refer to the Material and Methods section in the manuscript (revised version submitted in Marine Chemistry).