Stable oxygen isotope record of foraminifera from the Ontong Java Plateau


We provide a reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 from deep-sea sediments, for the past 625000 years (Milankovitch chron). Our database consists of a Milankovitch template of sea-level variation in combination with a unique data set for the deep-sea record for Ontong Java plateau in the western equatorial Pacific. We redate the Vostok ice-core data of Barnola et al. (1987, doi:10.1038/329408a0). To make the reconstructions we employ multiple regression between deep-sea data, on one hand, and ice-core CO2 data in Antarctica, on the other. The patterns of correlation suggest that the main factors controlling atmospheric CO2 can be described as a combination of sea-level state and sea-level change. For best results squared values of state and change are used. The square-of-sea-level rule agrees with the concept that shelf processes are important modulators of atmospheric CO2 (e.g., budgets of shelf organic carbon and shelf carbonate, nitrate reduction). The square-of-change rule implies that, on short timescales, any major disturbance of the system results in a temporary rise in atmospheric CO2.

Supplement to: Berger, Wolfgang H; Bickert, Torsten; Yasuda, Memorie K; Wefer, Gerold (1996): Reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 from ice-core data and the deep-sea record of Ontong Java plateau: the Milankovitch chron. Geologische Rundschau, 85(3), 466-495

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Metadata Access
Creator Berger, Wolfgang H; Yasuda, Memorie K; Bickert, Torsten ORCID logo; Wefer, Gerold ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1996
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 6 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (155.865W, -2.242S, 159.380E, 1.422N); North Pacific Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 1975-04-17T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1990-02-23T01:30:00Z