SYN2015: representative corpus of written Czech


Representative corpus of contemporary written Czech sized 100 MW. It was created as a representation of printed language from 2010–2014 containing a wide range of text types (fiction, professional literature, newspapers etc.). The corpus is lemmatized, morphologically and syntactically annotated by a combination of stochastic and rule-based methods. The corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query interface to registered users of the CNC with one important exception: they are shuffled, i.e. divided into blocks sized max. 100 words (respecting the sentence boundaries) with ordering randomized within the given document.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Křen, Michal; Cvrček, Václav; Čapka, Tomáš; Čermáková, Anna; Hnátková, Milena; Chlumská, Lucie; Kováříková, Dominika; Jelínek, Tomáš; Petkevič, Vladimír; Procházka, Pavel; Skoumalová, Hana; Škrabal, Michal; Truneček, Petr; Vondřička, Pavel; Zasina, Adrian
Publisher Faculty of Arts, Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University in Prague
Publication Year 2015
Rights Czech National Corpus (Shuffled Corpus Data);; ACA
OpenAccess true
Contact lindat-help(at)
Language Czech
Resource Type corpus
Format application/x-gzip; text/plain; charset=utf-8; downloadable_files_count: 1
Discipline Linguistics