The open time-series of the high-resolution ionosphere-thermosphere aeronomic climate simulation (OTHITACS)


TIE-GCM (thermosphere-ionosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model) is a three-dimensional, time-dependent, physics-based model of the thermosphere and ionosphere ( The website hosts the open-source TIE-GCM code. TIE-GCM assumes hydrostatic equilibrium, constant gravity, steady-state ion and electron energy equations, and incompressibility on a constant pressure surface.

                In this experiment, we use TIE-GCM version 2.0 (released on 21 March 2016) with a horizontal resolution of 2.5 by 2.5 in geographic latitude and longitude, and a vertical resolution of 0.25 scale-height. We specify the solar irradiance input to the model via an empirical solar proxy model—the extreme ultraviolet flux model for aeronomic calculations (EUVAC;; This empirical formulation uses the average of the daily solar flux F10.7 and its 81-day centred mean. Here, we use the value observed by the ground-based solar radio telescope, as it is more suitable for upper-atmospheric applications than the F10.7 adjusted for Earth-Sun distance. We use the Kp index-based ion convection model of Heelis et al. (1982; and the auroral particle precipitation scheme of Roble and Ridley (1987; with modifications of Emery et al. (2012; to specify the magnetospheric forcing, which describes the high-latitude mean energy, energy flux and electric potential. To account for the tidal forcing from the lower atmosphere, we use the global scale wave model (GSWM) of Hagan et al. (2001; to perturb the lower boundary of the TIE-GCM. Here, the GSWM specifies the migrating diurnal and semidiurnal and the nonmigrating diurnal and semidiurnal tides, which add perturbations to the zonal mean neutral temperature and horizontal winds, among others. We also add perturbations to the advective and diffusive transport via the constant eddy diffusion coefficient described in Qian et al. (2009;

                Through this experiment, we provide access to the following diagnostic quantities at a cadence of 10 minutes:
                Neutral temperature,
                Neutral zonal wind,
                Neutral meridional wind,
                Neutral vertical wind,
                Molecular oxygen,
                Atomic oxygen,
                Molecular nitrogen,
                Nitric oxide,
                Total neutral mass density,
                TEC: total electron content,
                Electron density,
                Electron temperature,
                Ion temperature,
                O+ ion,
                O2+ ion,
                Electric potential,
                Joule heating,
                BX/BMAG: normalized eastward component of magnetic field,
                BY/BMAG: normalized northward component of magnetic field,
                BZ/BMAG: normalized upward component of magnetic field,
                BMAG: magnetic field magnitude,
                Zonal ExB velocity,
                Meridional ExB velocity,
                Vertical ExB velocity,
                Zonal component of electric field,
                Meridional component of electric field,
                Vertical component of electric field,
                Magnetic eastward component of electric field,
                Magnetic downward (equatorward) component of electric field,
                Geopotential height,
                Geometric height ZG,
                Pedersen conductivity,
                Hall conductivity,
                Pedersen ion drag coefficient,
                Hall ion drag coefficient,
                Aurora energy flux,
                Aurora number flux.
Metadata Access
Creator Dr. Timothy Kodikara
Publisher World Data Center for Climate (WDCC)
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC BY 4.0: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
OpenAccess true
Contact not filled
Language English
Resource Type collection ; collection
Format NetCDF
Size 94729669 MB
Version 1
Discipline Earth System Research