First version of high-resolution city emission inventory for GHGs and co-emitted species for 2019 or 2020


The aim of task 1.1 'State-of-the-art emission inventories' is to provide complete, spatially explicit, state-of-the-art emission inventories for greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 and co-emitted species (CO, NOx, BC) to WP2 using both available and new datasets and methods. This research focuses on the three pilot cities: Paris, Munich, and Zurich. Strong interaction and information exchange between the three pilot cities are essential for the harmonization of the emission datasets. For Paris and Zurich, emission inventories are developed by respectively AIRPARIF and EMPA in collaboration with the municipality of Zurich. TUM is currently developing the emission inventory for Munich in collaboration with TNO. In the current version for Munich, one sector (transport) is provided with a full bottom-up estimate. Over time more sectors will be added. The goal of this deliverable report is to describe the first city emission inventories, as provided for deliverable 1.1. Chapters 2-4 provide an overview of the available data and a description of the methodology used to prepare the city inventories (Paris in chapter 2, Munich in chapter 3 and Zurich in chapter 4). In Chapter 5, some conclusions and the way forward are presented.

Metadata Access
Creator Dröge, Rianne; Kühbacher, Daniel ORCID logo; Super, Ingrid ORCID logo; Droste, Arjan ORCID logo; Denier van der Gon, Hugo ORCID logo; Perrussel, Olivier; Brunner, Dominik ORCID logo; Suter, Ivo; Constantin, Lionel; Chen, Jia ORCID logo; Aigner, Patrick
Publisher ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Document; Other
Format PDF
Version 1.0
Discipline Other