Multibeam bathymetry processed data (Kongsberg EM 122 transit dataset, Generic sensor format) of RV SONNE during cruise SO292/2, North Pacific Ocean


The multibeam echo sounder (MBES) data was collected from the 10.07.2022 (09:24 UTC) when leaving the Northern Mariana EEZ to the 18.07.2022 (00:24 UTC) before entering the EEZ close to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska with the Kongsberg EM122 on RV SONNE in the North Pacific Ocean (SO292/2). The deep-water MBES EM122 operates with an acoustic frequency of 12 kHz and a beam opening angle of 0.5° x 1°. The time, motion and position data (WGS84, geographic) was measured by the Kongsberg Seapath system on board. During the acquisition the echo sounder was monitored as well as settings and filter adjusted according to the environment. The transit speed was up to 13 knots. The swath opening angle was set between 60° and 65° resulting in a swath width of about 22 km in 5,000 m water depth. The Ping Mode was set to Auto, which enabled the system to use continuous wave pulses in shallow modes and frequency modulated pulses in deep modes. Further, high density and dual swath mode were continuously applied. As the data was collected during transit, no specific surveys were performed. When sound velocity related artefacts were noticed in the MBES data, the sound velocity profile in the MBES acquisition software SIS was updated. Profiles were measured using XSVs (Expendable Sound Velocity) up to a depth of 2,000 m on the 11.07.2022, 13.07.2022 and 16.07.2022. Additionally, synthetic SVPs extracted form the World Ocean Altlas 2009 from NOAA (Levitus, 2013) using the software "Sound Speed Manager" (developed by the UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping and NOAA Coast Survey Development Laboratory (CSDL)) were applied. The SVP data is not part of this submission.The data was post-processed using the software QPS Qimera v.2.4.9. No further SVP re-computation, navigation correction or tide correction was applied. Erroneous depth measurements were deleted manually by using the swath and slice editor. The vertical datum is mean sea level (MSL). The cleaned data was exported in gsf format as well as bathymetric grids in a resolution of 100 m (geotiff format, projected coordinates WGS84/UTM zone 55N (EPSG: 32655).

These data should not be used for navigational purposes.

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Metadata Access
Creator Lütjens, Mona; D'Mello, Gavin; Felgendreher, Meret; Menapace, Walter ORCID logo; Sternberg, Harald
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2023
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 6222 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (148.295W, 21.843S, 178.011E, 47.429N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2022-07-10T09:24:04Z
Temporal Coverage End 2022-07-17T23:53:58Z