This data set contains the measured oxygen saturation concentration, and the calculated oxygen concentration corrected for temperature and salinity (according to Benson and Krause, 1984) of one ecosystem site (Zingster Strom, Darss-Zingst lagoon system, southern Baltic Sea) and six bentho-pelagic mesocosms close by. Temperature correction was based on simultaneous measured temperature values, salinity stayed constant in the mesocosms, and salinity correction in the ecosystem was based on daily values. The mesocosms were either phytoplankton, or macrophyte dominated (each n = 3). Measurement intervals were every 5 min (mesocosms) to 10 min (ecosystem). Additionally, Chlorophyll a were included where available and reported as daily values (Zingster Strom n= 365, mesocosms each n = 10), or fitted values (mesocosms, based on available daily values).
Calculation of oxygen concentrations: Temperature correction based on simultanously measured values at all sites Salinity correction based on constant sallinity in mesocosms (fixed O2-correction) & daily monitoring values in Zingster Strom (daily O2-correction)