Karelian Dictionary - KKS (ELEXIS)


Karjalan kielen sanakirja. The Dictionary of the Karelian Language was published in 1968–2005 by the Institute for the Languages of Finland and the Finno-Ugrian Society: Part 1 (A – J) 1968, Part 2 (K) 1974, Part 3 (L – N) 1983, Part 4 (O – P) 1993, part 5 (1997) and part 6 (T – Ö) 2005. The six-part work comprises a total of about 3,800 pages and almost 83,000 headwords. It cover the period from the 1880s to 1970. The dictionary is a dialect dictionary. It represents almost all the dialects of the actual Karelia - the Viennese Karelia and the South Karelia - and Aunus, or Livvi. Lydian dialects are not included in the dictionary. Headwords are usually in accordance with Viennese dialects. The metalanguage is Finnish. The dictionary has been transferred to electronic format as follows: The articles in the first three parts (alphabet A to N), printed using the old handwriting technique, have been scanned, corrected and converted to structured form. The articles in the last three sections (alphabet O – Ö) have been converted to a structured format from WordPerfect files. The online version was released in 2009. There have been few changes to the online dictionary compared to the printed dictionary. The errors have been corrected and some of the articles in the first part have been later adapted to established delivery principles. However, the articles have not been specifically harmonized. The dictionary is available for download in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland, http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2015110501, as well as on the website of The Institute for the Languages of Finland, http://kaino.kotus.fi/kks/lataa/kksxml.zip, it is also available at http://kaino.kotus.fi/cgi-bin/kks/karjala.cgi. The online dictionary (link above) is freely available and contains e.g. an introduction to the printed dictionary, which introduces the material used in the dictionary work and the stages of the dictionary work, and gives instructions to the user of the dictionary. The editors-in-chief of the Karelian Dictionary were Pertti Virtaranta (parts 1–3, alphabet a – n, 1955–1983), Jaakko Sivula (oto 1983–1985) and Raija Koponen (parts 4–6, alphabet o – ö, 1986–2005) . The editorial board of the dictionary has included Katariina Jeskanen, Matti Jeskanen, Leena Joki, Eero Kiviniemi, Pirkko Poutanen, Matti Punttila, Laila Rissanen, Tauno Särkkä, Marja Torikka (formerly Lehtinen) and Helmi Virtaranta.

The online dictionary has been edited by Marja Torikka. The responsible reporter since September 8, 2010 is Leena Joki. The XML version has the same content as the online dictionary. Jari Vihtari is responsible for the web application and the creation of the XML file.

PID http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1532
Related Identifier http://kaino.kotus.fi/kks
Metadata Access http://www.clarin.si/repository/oai/request?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:www.clarin.si:11356/1532
Creator Torikka, Marja; Joki, Leena
Publisher Institute for the Languages of Finland
Publication Year 2020
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)clarin.si
Language Karelian; Finnish
Resource Type lexicalConceptualResource
Format downloadable_files_count: 0
Discipline Linguistics