This catalog contains the 5C5 survey of radio sources, one of a series of deep surveys made at 408 MHz (HPBW 80"x109") and 1407 MHz (HPBW 23"x31") with the One-Mile telescope at Cambridge. The 5C5 survey was centered on 09h40m+47d (B1950) and contains 252 sources stronger than 8.7 mJy at 408 MHz and 1.8 mJy at 1407 MHz. The flux densities are on the KPW scale (Kellermann et al. 1969ApJ...157....1K), and were based on 3C48. This table was originally published in Pearson, T.J (1975MNRAS.171..475P)
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/171/475/5c5 (5C5 Survey of Radio Sources (RA: 9.5h-9.9h; DEC: 44.5{deg} -49.5{deg} ))