Tag-seq libraries of aposymbiotic mountainous star coral larvae (Orbicella faveolata)

Different genetic crosses of Orbicella faveolata larvae were exposed to control and heat conditions in two separate experiments in 2019 and 2021. Samples were taken at the end of the experiment to evaluate larval transcriptomic response to heat stress depending on the origin of their parents.

Source https://data.blue-cloud.org/search-details?step=~012C222535498D213478D7AB882715C04E8EB38A456
Metadata Access https://data.blue-cloud.org/api/collections/C222535498D213478D7AB882715C04E8EB38A456
Instrument NextSeq 500; NextSeq 2000; ILLUMINA
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)maris.nl
Discipline Marine Science
Temporal Coverage Begin 2019-08-30T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2021-09-10T00:00:00Z