UCLALES-SALSA model outputs focusing on the effect marine ice-nucleating particle (INP) emissions on mixed-phase clouds.
UCLALES-SALSA is available from GitHub: https://github.com/UCLALES-SALSA/UCLALES-SALSA. These simulations are made with branch "isdac_poa" (last updated Wed Mar 3 14:59:05 2021), which is available from https://github.com/UCLALES-SALSA/UCLALES-SALSA/tree/isdac_poa. 3D outputs were merged using post-processing code ../script/combine.f90. The model and the post-processing code were compiled using Fortran, and simulations were made with 64 PUs. Template NAMELISTs and soundings can be found from inputs.zip.
File isdac2021.zip contains all model outputs files compressed into a single zip file.
File inputs.zip contains the model input files compressed into a single zip file.
File readme.txt contains a brief explanation of the simulations and calculations used to produce the figures for the publication.
UCLALES-SALSA outputs are NetCDF files, which contain several variables. Variables are described with their long name and unit. Three types of ouput files are produced from each simulation:
1) Time series, which are averaged/integrated over domain (.ts.nc)
2) Profiles, which are averaged over horizontal dimensions (.ps.nc)
3) Analysis outputs, which are 3D snapshots of the domain (e.g., isdac_s0b0.nc and isdac_s0b2.nc)