Pollen counts from marine sediment core GeoB16224-1 (gravity core, 6.65°N, 52.09°W; 2510 m water depth) retrieved off the mouth of the Amazon River. This dataset contains a total of 47 analyzed samples continuously encompassing the interval between ca. 25 - 12.5 cal ka BP, in addition to 6 samples in the interval between ca. 6.2 - 4.9 cal ka BP. A total of 279 taxa were discriminated, with total pollen counts varying from 123 to 283 when coastal (Rhizophora, Avicennia, Cyperaceae, Amaranthus and Crenea) and aquatic (Alismataceae, Typha, Tristicha, Ludwigia, Pontederia) vegetation taxa are included, and from 82 to 210 when those are excluded. These data were used to investigate vegetation changes from the Amazon basin during the last 25 ka.