To monitor particle fluxes and near bottom hydrographic variability a modified version of the benthic Bottom Boundary (BOBO) lander was deployed at 57° 29.09 N, 27° 54.53 W on the Gardar Drift at a water depth of 2630 m. The deployment lasted from 16/09/2007 to 19/09/2008. Current velocity (S and W; cm/s) and acoustic backscatter (counts) were monitored at 15-min intervals using an upward looking RD Instruments 1200-kHz ADCP. These are the data from 6.65 m above the seafloor. Full details about the deployment can be found in Jonkers et al., 2010 (doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.05.005).
This project has been funded by the Variations of the Atlantic Meridional Ocerturning Circulation during rapid climate changes: calibration, modelling and palaeoceanographic observations (VAMOC) project (