Fort/watchtower and associated settlement (locally known as Kalai Sar), located in Shakhristanskiy rayon, Sughd Province, Tajikistan, not far from Shahristan (Шаҳристон) town and Khisor (Ҳисор) village. Coordinates: 39.727845° 68.711986°. This well-preserved watchtower and associated settlement activity in a small river valley was explored by Tajik and international archaeologists, during a workshop in Khujand, Tajikistan, in 2019.This dataset includes several aerial images and recording outcomes from high and low altitudes. Orthomosaics, DEM's, KMZ files and 3D models for both levels are provided here.Data collected by Gai Jorayev (UCL) and Denis Sorokin (Archaeological Expertise), with support from Bobomullo Bobomulloi (the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography named after A. Donish), Kazuya YAMAUCHI (Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University) and Tim Williams (UCL Institute of Archaeology). Processed by Gai Jorayev.