Andmed artiklile "Adult L1 users' attitudes towards their proficiency in written Estonian as evidence of deep-rooted language ideologies"


See andmekogu sisaldab 2022. aasta detsembris läbi viidud küsitluse vastuseid, mida on analüüsitud artiklis "Adult L1 users' attitudes towards their proficiency in written Estonian as evidence of deep-rooted language ideologies". Küsitlus viidi läbi UT LimeSurvey keskkonnas. Andmekogus on valikvastustega küsimuste vastused, vabatekstilisi vastuseid ei ole, kuna vastused võimaldaksid kas üksinda või teiste küsimustega koos vastaja isikut identifitseerida. Avaldatud on vastajate üldistatud taustaandmed.

This dataset contains the responses to a survey conducted in December 2022, which has been analyzed in the article "Adult L1 users' attitudes towards their proficiency in written Estonian as evidence of deep-rooted language ideologies". The survey was conducted in the UT LimeSurvey environment. The database contains the answers to the multiple-choice questions; there are no free-text answers, as the answers, either alone or in combination with other questions, would allow the respondent to be identified. Generalized background information on respondents is published.

Metadata Access
Creator Algvere, Kristel
Publisher Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, eesti keele osakond
Publication Year 2025
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Contact Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, eesti keele osakond
Language Estonian
Resource Type info:eu-repo/semantics/dataset
Format TXT; text/plain; text/csv
Discipline Other