A sequence of 235 temporal maps, with coarse-scale difference enhancement (i.e. using temporal difference images with a narrow dynamic range). This shows the main dust tail of C/2011 L4 from 2013 March 11 00:00 UT until March 18 02:00 UT. Dust is displayed from the region of 0.3 < βr < 3 with ejection times from 2013 March 05 00:00 UT through to March 11 00:00 UT.Highlighted are two dust points which the analysis later focuses on. Point P is highlighted in purple with βr = 1.7 and te = 2013-03-08 04:50 UT. Point G is highlighted in green with βr = 0.8 and te = 2013-03-05 12:00 UT.