Lagoon hydrodynamics of pearl farming atolls in French Polynesia : the case of Apataki Atoll (Tuamotu Archipelago)


Apataki Atoll has been instrumented over a period of 3 months (from April 2022 to late July 2022) separated into 2 Legs. Physical process such as water level, currents ciruclation, water exchanges into passes and "hoa" and water column stratification have been measured to characterized the hydrodynamic functioning of this semi-opened pearl farming atoll. Numerous moorings have been deployed into lagoon, passes, hoa and external reef slope stations with common autonomous oceanographic instruments measuring at high sampling frequency. During the sampling period, one major meteorological event occurred, a distant mega swell hit the South-West Islands of French Polynesia including Apataki on 14th July and has significantly impacted its hydrodynamic. Sampling strategy available on Sextant - Marine Geographic Information System. More informations on ANR MANA project.

Metadata Access
Creator Bruyère, Oriane; Le Gendre, Romain; Liao, Vetea; Andrefouet, Serge
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC-BY
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science