In-situ drift and wave observations of sea ice, icebergs and open ocean in the Greenland Sea


A data set of in-situ drift and wave observations of sea ice, icebergs and open ocean collected in the Greenland Sea in the time period from April until December 2022. A total of 20 drifters were deployed in western Fram Strait in Spring 2022, as part of the CIRFA-22 cruise. This cruise was conducted by the Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations (CIRFA).

Metadata Access
Creator Taelman, Catherine ORCID logo; Lohse, Johannes ORCID logo; Johansson, Malin ORCID logo; Olsen, Sveinung Viggo ORCID logo; Rabault, Jean ORCID logo; Eltoft, Torbjørn ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Taelman, Catherine; UiT The Arctic University of Norway; CIRFA
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference The Research Council of Norway and CIRFA partners 237906 ; European Space Agency CIRFAEx (contract RFP/3-17845/22/NL/FF/ab) ; Fram Centre Arctic Ocean flagship grant (project “ThinTec - Thin ice Measurement Technology”)
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Taelman, Catherine (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Resource Type observation data; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/x-netcdf; image/png; application/pdf; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size 9791; 57063052; 4216; 4080; 8840; 3264; 9180; 8704; 10948; 9384; 1292; 6596; 7684; 10200; 0; 2176; 816; 10608; 9520; 68; 256; 153409; 135410; 441795; 120440; 456076; 310104; 367432; 453772; 36936; 285291; 273881; 432576; 8390; 92891; 33051; 2891; 434712; 97; 334419; 4498; 1582; 1252575; 182201; 15763; 178052; 15748; 179710; 15655; 176340; 15615; 176704; 15715; 175592; 15636; 173787; 15734; 227636; 178479; 15612; 177350; 15737; 178261; 176405; 175614; 15711; 173981; 15631; 879
Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences; Physics
Spatial Coverage (-45.198W, 55.197S, -2.928E, 79.886N); Greenland Sea