Multi-scale Multi-techniques investigations of Li-ion batteries: towards a European Battery Hub


In this science-driven Long-Term proposal, we propose a 3-years multi-beamline program tackling grand challenges for actual, emerging and future battery technologies. We will deploy advanced methodologies for accelerating research by setting new cooperation modes for multi-techniques multi-scale studies. Three chemistry-neutral scientific cases have been identified to fulfil this LTP: bulk-to-surface mechanisms, high energy system and smart sensing. Multiple, time-coordinated, interoperable spectroscopic, imaging & scattering techniques will be implemented. This proposal is the Pilot Phase towards a European Battery Hub aiming at accelerating workflows in battery research by optimizing the exceptional diversity of means available at ESRF. We expect to demonstrate the added value of a new “proposal” mechanism, e.g. science-driven beamtime allocation group, serving the fast growing, highly competitive and rapidly evolving European battery community.

Metadata Access
Creator Sandrine LYONNARD; Pakornrum TULAPHON; Freya Katharina HUCK; Annabel OLGO; Pascale CHENEVIER ORCID logo; ROMAIN NONY; Valentin VINCI; Yassin ZOIZOU; Xaver Simon BREMS ORCID logo; Gozde ONEY ORCID logo; Marta MIROLO; MATILDA FRANSSON
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2028
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields