GAIA-DEM GAIA-DEM is a database of Differential Emission
Measure (DEM) maps. The DEM is a measure of the thermal structure of
the coronal plasma, representing the quantity of light emitting plasma
along the line of sight, at different temperatures. In GAIA-DEM, the
DEM is modelled by a specific function of temperature, namely a
Gaussian of the logarithm of electron temperature. GAIA-DEM maps are
then maps of the DEM maximum temperature, of the DEM integral (total
Emission Measure), and DEM width (in temperature). These maps are
obtained by inversion from the SDO/AIA EUV images in 6 coronal
channels (9.4, 13.1, 17.1, 19.3, 21.1, and 33.5nm). In addition, maps
of the ϲ for the inversion are provided.
GAIA-DEM is available from a specific interface at, as well as part of the generic MEDOC
interface which is currently located at http://idocmedoc- These interfaces are based on the CNES SiTools2
framework. GAIA-DEM is also available from IDL and Python scripts,
using a specialization of the generic SiTools2 IDL and Python clients
developed by MEDOC.