Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are transmitted via the bites of infected Anopheline mosquitoes. Midgut invasion is a major bottleneck for Plasmodium development inside the mosquito vectors as a rapidly responding immune system recognizes ookinetes and recruits killing factors from the midgut and surrounding tissues, dramatically reducing the population of invading ookinetes before they can successfully traverse the midgut epithelium. Understanding molecular details of the parasite-vector interactions requires precise measurement of nascent protein synthesis in the mosquito during Plasmodium infection. Current expression profiling primarily monitors alterations in steady-state levels of mRNA, but does not address the equally critical issue of whether the proteins encoded by the mRNAs are actually synthesized. In this study, we used sucrose density gradient centrifugation to isolate actively translating Anopheles gambiae mRNAs based upon their association with polyribosomes (polysomes). The proportion of individual gene transcripts associated with polysomes, which is determined by RNA deep sequencing, reflects mRNA translational status. This approach led to identification of 1017 mosquito transcripts that were primarily regulated at the translational level after ingestion of Plasmodium falciparum-infected blood. Caspar, a negative regulator of the NF-kappaB transcription factor Rel2, appears to be substantially activated at the translational levels during Plasmodium infection. In addition, transcripts of Dcr1, Dcr2 and Drosha, which are involved in small RNA biosynthesis, exhibited enhanced associations with polysomes after P. falciparum challenge. This observation suggests that mosquito microRNAs may play an important role in reactions against Plasmodium invasion. We analyzed both total cellular mRNAs and mRNAs that are associated with polysomes to simultaneously monitor transcriptomes and nascent protein synthesis in the mosquito. This approach provides more accurate information regarding the rate of protein synthesis, and identifies some mosquito factors that might have gone unrecognized because expression of these proteins is regulated mainly at the translational level rather than at the transcriptional level after mosquitoes ingest a Plasmodium-infected blood meal. Overall design: Midguts from female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes were dissected at around 24 h after ingestion of P. falciparum-infected blood. Mosquitoes fed on uninfected blood were used as control. A portion of the midguts were used for isolation of total cellular RNA. Extracts of the remaining midguts were fractionated over sucrose density gradients, and fifteen fractions were collected from the top of each gradient. Non-polysomal fractions, as well as polysomal fractions were combined, respectively, to obtain two RNA pools per gradient for three independent experiments. The first, last and the sample between non-polysomal and polysomal, were all discarded to ensure pure pools from each set. A fourth experiment was conducted where the polysomal and non-polysomal samples were not pooled, to be used later for qRT-PCR. The mRNA levels of individual mosquito genes in polysome (PS) fractions, nonpolysome (NP) fractions and unfractionated steady-state (total) RNA were determined using high throughput RNA deep sequencing. Each RNA pool generated 2.1-9.8 million raw read . Signal intensities of transcripts from each PS pool were compared to those of transcripts from a matching NP pool. To quantify the translational status of individual mRNA species, we define the relative PS loading [PL=P/(P+NP)] as the extent of mRNA association with polysomes. PL values were compared between the mosquitoes fed on P. falciparum-infected or -uninfected blood.