High-resolution dynamic synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography of the human middle ear


These are datasets of dynamic microtomography conducted at the TOMCAT beamline (SLS, PSI). The sample was a fresh-frozen human ear named Fresh13, acoustically stimulated, so vibrating. The sample was stimulated at 128 Hz and 120 dB SPL. The h5 file is the set of projections for the different tomography angles, taken during stimulation of the sample, every 0.5 ms. The waveform.dat file can be used to perform the retrospective gating and sort the projection back according to their acquisition time (corresponding to a specific phase of vibration).

DOI https://doi.org/10.16907/d5f19839-21d0-4517-b2c1-7d91a2c79530
Metadata Access https://doi.psi.ch/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=10.16907/d5f19839-21d0-4517-b2c1-7d91a2c79530
Creator Anne Bonnin
Publisher PSI
Publication Year 2024
Rights Available to the public.
OpenAccess true
Contact PSI
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline ['Life Sciences', 'Biology', 'Basic Biological and Medical Research']