Network view notebook tool


This archive contains the scripts and notebooks needed to run the tools presented in "A view of the European carbon flux landscape through the lens of the ICOS atmospheric observation network" (Storm et al., 2023). There are dependencies with files on the ICOS Carbon Portal Jupyter Service and it can only be run there. To do so, login to our Jupyter service ( There, you have two options:

  1. There is an up-to-date version of the tools available on exploredata in the folder "project_jupyter_notebooks".
  2. Upload the files in the unzipped archive anywhere on the Jupyter services from the Carbon Portal and open the main notebook “network_view.ipynb”.

Once logged off the service, the files will automatically be removed, and a user hence cannot “break” anything.

The ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) network of atmospheric measurement stations produces standardized data on greenhouse gas concentrations at 46 stations in 16 different European countries (March 2023). The placement of instruments on tall towers and mountains makes for large influence regions (“concentration footprints”). The combined footprints for all the individual stations create a “lens” through which the network sees the European CO2 flux landscape. In this study, we summarize this view using quantitative metrics of the fluxes seen by individual stations, and by the current and extended ICOS network. Results are presented both from a country-level and pan-European perspective, using open-source tools that we make available through the ICOS Carbon Portal. We target anthropogenic emissions from various sectors, as well as the land cover types found across Europe and their spatiotemporally varying fluxes. This recognizes different interests of different ICOS stakeholders. We specifically introduce “monitoring potential maps” to identify which regions have a relative underrepresentation of biospheric fluxes. This potential changes with the introduction of new stations, which we investigate for the planned ICOS expansion with 19 stations over the next few years.

In our study focused on the summer of 2020, we find that the ICOS atmospheric station network has limited sensitivity to anthropogenic fluxes, as was intended in the current design. Its representation of biospheric fluxes follows the fractional representation of land cover and is generally well-balanced considering the pan-European view. Exceptions include representation of grass & shrubland and broadleaf forest which are abundant in south-eastern European countries, particularly Croatia and Serbia. On country scale the representation shows larger imbalances, even within relatively densely monitored countries. The flexibility to consider both individual ecosystems, countries, or their integrals across Europe demonstrates the usefulness of our analyses and can readily be re-produced for any network configuration within Europe.

Metadata Access
Creator Storm, Ida ORCID logo; D'Onofrio, Claudio ORCID logo; Karstens, Ute ORCID logo
Publisher ICOS ERIC - Carbon Portal
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Notebook package; Software
Format ZIP-archive of notebooks (.ipynb) and python files (.py)
Version 1.0
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage (-15.000W, 33.000S, 35.000E, 73.000N); Europe