This Catalogue contains a complete LAGO (S0) plain simulation for a virtual detector called as 'and' located in Andes, Argentina, on the -30.19 latitude, -69.82 longitude, but using an observation level different to the default, in this case 6450.0 meters in altitude. Moreover, the data was generated for the geomagnetic field corresponding to the period between 2021-04-08T00:00:00Z and 2021-06-07T00:00:00Z.
The Datasets are CORSIKA inputs and outputs, which are described in the official documentation ( ). These Datasets were generated for a flux time of 5184000 seconds, following the high energy integration model QGSII, in flat array mode. Additionally, high energy cuts for secondaries were used, so there are no secondary particles with energies E < True GeV. The default atmosphere (E2) was used for this site. The zenith range used was set to [0,90] degrees. The primary integration energy range used was set to [800,1e6] GeV. The local rigidity cutoff was set to 0 GV.
The completeness of the simulation and the requirements for its storing and publishing was guaranteed by the onedataSim software ( ), relying on the ARTI software ( ). A detailed description of the type and generation of the Datasets and Metadata contained in this Catalogue is in the Data Management Plan of LAGO at
Please, you properly cite this Catalogue with its PiD as well as with the main papers currently listed in the previous pages as reference works.