Experimental data on the interaction between a water spray and a moving layer of hot smoke


This study compares the effects on a smoke layer of water sprays injected downward, upward or according to an inclined counter-flow configuration. The impact is analyzed considering stratification, mixing and cooling effects upstream (fire side) and downstream (opening side) the position of the spray. The experiments were conducted in a $1/5^{th}$ scale model reproducing a room connected to a corridor. The injection of the poly-dispersed spray was carried out in the corridor where a layer of smoke was flowing in the upper part. Thanks to the experimental configuration, there is no direct impact of the spray on the fire source and the production of smoke, but only on the hot flow of smoke. The effect of the spray was evaluated for the different directions of injection and two water feeding pressures. The measurement have shown that effective cooling of the upper layer is observed downstream of the spray. The efficiency of the cooling is dependent on the injection angle. A more or less significant heating of the lower layer is measured upstream for all the injection angles. The injection angle has an influence on the smoke mixing and cooling, an upward spray injection is more efficient. The strongest interaction is observed for an inclined counter-flow injection, similar to the configuration of firefighters cooling a smoke layer while moving forward in a corridor toward a fire source. Moreover, two water injection pressures were investigated: 4 and 8 bars. Increasing this pressure reduces the droplet diameter and increases the water flow rate. In the present experimental configuration, modifying the water injection pressure does not change the observations made. All experimental data are available in an open-access database for further uses.

Article in submission

DOI https://doi.org/10.12763/U1JZNG
Metadata Access https://dorel.univ-lorraine.fr/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.12763/U1JZNG
Creator Collin, Anthony ORCID logo; Hardy, Louis; Suzanne, Mathieu; Erez, Giacomo; Mehaddi, Rabah,; Boulet, Pascal
Publisher Université de Lorraine
Contributor Collin, Anthony
Publication Year 2023
Rights Etalab (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://www.etalab.gouv.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ETALAB-Licence-Ouverte-v2.0.pdf
OpenAccess true
Contact Collin, Anthony (LEMTA ; Université de Lorraine, CNRS ; France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/plain
Size 29158; 39457; 68432; 93160; 12062; 43588; 627813; 453054; 5745; 20400; 429245; 411864; 5257; 19040; 400577; 384354; 4866; 17272; 364436; 349770; 4034; 14620; 320280; 307326; 3960; 14790; 313555; 301038; 6064; 21182; 448215; 429942; 4495; 16014; 341566; 327762; 4076; 14722; 312884; 300252; 5123; 18054; 389137; 373350; 5794; 20536; 436189; 418152; 5929; 21114; 447639; 429156; 4799; 17578; 375258; 359988; 5251; 18768; 396517; 380424; 5374; 18836; 400675; 5569; 19890; 420449; 403218; 6303; 22236; 470386; 451164; 5321; 18972; 402222; 385926; 6014; 21046; 446956; 428370; 103; 3815; 3790
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Natural Sciences; Physics