Boxy/peanut-shaped bulges in barred galaxies

From a sample of 84 local barred, moderately inclined disc galaxies, we determine the fraction that hosts boxy or peanut-shaped (B/P) bulges (the vertically thickened inner parts of bars). We find that the frequency of B/P bulges in barred galaxies is a very strong function of stellar mass: 79 per cent of the bars in galaxies with log (M/M_{sun})w>=10.4 have B/P bulges, while only 12 per cent of those in lower mass galaxies do. (We find a similar dependence in data published by Yoshino & Yamauchi for edge-on galaxies.) There are also strong trends with other galaxy parameters - e.g. Hubble type: 77 per cent of S0-Sbc bars, but only 15 per cent of Sc-Sd bars, have B/P bulges - but these appear to be side effects of the correlations of these parameters with stellar mass. In particular, despite indications from models that a high gas content can suppress bar buckling, we find no evidence that the (atomic) gas mass ratio M_HI+He/M affects the presence of B/P bulges, once the stellar-mass dependence is controlled for. The semimajor axes of B/P bulges range from one-quarter to three-quarters of the full bar size, with a mean of R_box_/L_bar_=0.42+/-0.09 and R_box_/a_{epsilon}=0.53+/-0.12 (where R_box is the size of the B/P bulge and a_{epsilon} and L_bar are lower and upper limits on the size of the bar).

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/468/2058/table1 (*Bar and B/P bulge measurements)

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/468/2058/tabled1 (General galaxy parameters for the complete parent sample)

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Metadata Access
Creator Erwin P.; Debattista V.P.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2020
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics