DES Bright Arcs Survey: strong lens systems


We report the combined results of eight searches for strong gravitational lens systems in the full 5000 square degrees of Dark Energy Survey (DES) observations. The observations accumulated by the end of the third observing season fully covered the DES footprint in five filters (grizY), with an i-band limiting magnitude (at 10{sigma}) of 23.44. In four searches, a list of potential candidates was identified using a color and magnitude selection from the object catalogs created from the first three observing seasons. Three other searches were conducted at the locations of previously identified galaxy clusters. Cutout images of potential candidates were then visually scanned using an object viewer. An additional set of candidates came from a data-quality check of a subset of the color-coadd tiles created from the full DES six-season data set. A short list of the most promising strong-lens candidates was then numerically ranked according to whether or not we judged them to be bona fide strong gravitational lens systems. These searches discovered a diverse set of 247 strong-lens candidate systems, of which 81 are identified for the first time. We provide the coordinates, magnitudes, and photometric properties of the lens and source objects, and an estimate of the Einstein radius for 81 new systems and 166 previously reported systems.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/259/27/table4 (*Names, positions, photometry, and photometric redshifts of objects for each candidate lensing system)

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Creator O'Donnell J.H.; Wilkinson R.D.; Diehl H.T.; Aros-Bunster C.; Bechtol K.,Birrer S.; Buckley-Geer E.J.; Carnero Rosell A.; Carrasco Kind M.,da Costa L.N.; Gonzalez Lozano S.J.; Gruendl R.A.; Hilton M.; Lin H.,Lindgren K.A.; Martin J.; Pieres A.; Rykoff E.S.; Sevilla-Noarbe I.,Sheldon E.; Sifon C.; Tucker D.L.; Yanny B.; Abbott T.M.C.; Aguena M.,Allam S.; Andrade-Oliveira F.; Annis J.; Bertin E.; Brooks D.; Burke D.L.,Carretero J.; Costanzi M.; De Vicente J.; Desai S.; Dietrich J.P.,Eckert K.; Everett S.; Ferrero I.; Flaugher B.; Fosalba P.; Frieman J.,Garcia-Bellido J.; Gaztanaga E.; Gerdes D.W.; Gruen D.; Gschwend J.,Gill M.S.S.; Gutierrez G.; Hinton S.R.; Hollowood D.L.; Honscheid K.,James D.J.; Jeltema T.; Kuehn K.; Lahav O.; Lima M.; Maia M.A.G.,Marshall J.L.; Melchior P.; Menanteau F.; Miquel R.; Morgan R.; Nord B.,Ogando R.L.C.; Paz-Chinchon F.; Pereira M.E.S.; Plazas Malagon A.A.,Rodriguez-Monroy M.; Romer A.K.; Roodman A.; Sanchez E.; Scarpine V.,Schubnell M.; Serrano S.; Smith M.; Suchyta E.; Swanson M.E.C.; Tarle G.,Thomas D.; To C.; Varga T.N.; The DES Collaboration
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2022
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysical Processes; Astrophysics and Astronomy; Cosmology; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics