Climatological monthly means output (physical variables) from the global hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model (NEMO-ERSEM) by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) within the framework of the project Mission Atlantic ( This 40-year monthly means netcdf file of 1 degree regular grid resolution is a sample aiming to show the results of the model in the geonode. The variables included in this netcdf are: sea water absolute salinity (so_abs, units: psu), sea water conservative temperature (thetao_con, units: C°), mixed layer depth (mldr10_1, units: m), latitude (lat, units: degrees), longitude (lon, units: degrees), time (time, units: seconds since 1900-01-01 00:00:00), depth [height] (z, units: m). The original model output files are stored with the data provider at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory.