The UCSD/MIT Hard X-Ray and Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Instrument, A4, was flown on the HEAO 1 satellite, between August 1977 until January 1979. The experiment consisted of a collection of collimated sodium iodide scintillators, two of which the Low Energy detectors (LED, LED-3 and LED-6), were optimized for the lower energy part of the hard X-ray range between 13 to 180 keV. The first 6-months of mission were dedicated to an all-sky scan after which a pointing phase started. In pointing mode the A4-LED instrument look axis was kept in a 1 deg dead band centered on the target position. Instead in the "ping-pong" mode the look axis was regularly alternated with a secondary target a few degrees away, usually for background determination. This database table accesses the spectra (and associated files) obtained from the A4-LED detectors in the ping-pong mode. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .