Milling itineraries for a collection of wood byproducts - Itineraries description, product granulometric characterization and associated kinetics


This data set contains milling itineraries and granulometric properties of the resulting powders obtained from a collection of by-products from woods (pine wood pellets, pine bark, pine sawdust, Douglas shavings, chesnut tree sawdust) representative of currently used lignocellulosic biomass. The data are gathered in four tables. Table 1 provides a precise description of milling itineraries associated with produced powder samples. Table 2 reports the granulometric characteristics of all produced powder samples. The kinetics of particle size reduction for a subset of produced powder samples are gathered in Table 3. In Table 1, a milling itinerary is described by a set of unit operations and associated with a unique numerical identifier (column Experience number). Each unit operation of a given itinerary is described on a separate line and associated with a unique numerical identifier (columns Experience number + Process step number). Numerical value associated with Process step number column indicates temporal order (e,g step 1 is before step 2). In case of parallel unit operations, a dot is used (e,g step 1.1 is parallel to step 1.2). The following information are reported: date; biomass nature and name (Biomass) ; processing operation type (Treatment); drying mode/moisture content (Treatment); biomass quantity; equipment name and type (Material); rotation speed; vibration frequency; mass of balls; sieving grid size (sieving size); treatment duration; temperature; output solid quantity (Output solid constituent quantity); output solid yield (Output solid constituent quantity), characterized sample product name (Sample Product1). In Table 2, are found the data concerning particles and powders characterization: characterized sample product name (Sample Product); biomass name and nature (Biomass); d50 calculation method; d50 in volume; d50 in number; d10 calculation method; d10 in volume; d10 in number; d90 calculation method; d90 in volume; d90 in number; span; specific surface area calculation method; specific surface area value. Table 3 has the same structure that Table 2 extended by an additional column (Sampling time) indicating the time at which a sample has been extracted during the milling for granulometric characterisation. Table 4 contains the whole set of full particle size distributions of all samples of Table 3. An additional file describres SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) parameter conditions used for granulometric characterization.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Charlène Fabre; Patrice Buche ORCID logo; Claire Mayer; Xavier Rouau
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Claire Mayer
Publication Year 2020
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Claire Mayer (
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/csv
Size 888; 12344; 8065; 75634; 26428
Version 9.4
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture; Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Silviculture
Spatial Coverage PLANET, INRAE, 2018. Agropolymers and Emerging Technologies Facility, Montpellier FR-34060, France