The here presented data contains the ln(Ti/Ca) ratio against core depth (m) and age (kyr) from sediment core ORI-891-16-P1 (19° 33.36'N, 116° 6.77'E; 1595 m water depth). The XRF core scanning measurements were conducted at the National Taiwan University (NTU) using an Itrax Cox XRF core scanner. The measurements were conducted using a generator setting of 30 kV, a current of 50 mA and a count time of 5 s. To eliminate non-linear matrix effects and constant-sum constraints, we used logratios to account for a statistically more robust representation of element ratio. The ln(Ti/Ca) element ratio is considered a proxy for terrigenous input, with Ti being dominated by the presence of various heavy minerals e.g. ilmenite, perovskite, rutile and titanite. In contrast, Ca contents have been related to biogenic carbonate variability which is considered a background pelagic signal.