The Hyperspectral Analysis of the Mourne Mountains (HAMM) project was undertaken from 2020-2022 in Northern Ireland to integrate spectral, geochemical, and remote sensing data from an exposed, non-arid setting. Mourne Mountain Complex (MMC) samples were obtained by donation from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) and the Sedgwick Museum (University of Cambridge) as well as from the field by the authors. Samples represent the 5 primary granite types (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5), other minor rock types, and alteration styles. Some sample donations were historic and exact locations unspecified. Their reported coordinates are best estimates from historic literature and projections to surface (see notes in the datasets).Whole rock samples were analysed at the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Field Spectroscopy Facility (FSF) at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland for visible (VIS) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectra (i.e. 350–2500 nm). Spectra were obtained using an Analytical Spectra Devices (ASD) FieldSpec3 spectroradiometer with contact probe attachment. The contact probe includes an internal, 4.5 W quartz tungsten halogen lamp attached to the unit by a fibre optic cable and a total viewing area of 12.7 mm by 10.6 mm. The instrument was left to stabilise for 2 hours on after starting up, then calibrated to a Spectralon™ white reference before each measurement. Each measurement comprises a batch of 25 complete spectra and multiple measurements were taken on each sample. Areas measured included fresh, least altered sections as well as their weathered/vegetated counterparts exposed at surface as well as hydrothermal veins and associated alteration, if present. The spectra from each sample were averaged in ViewSpecPro to create a representative "whole rock" spectrum that comprises the dataset. Some sample spectra were not averaged across the entire rock sample to better highlight the spectra for vein alteration assemblages and specific minerals (e.g. beryl from the Diamond Rocks).