Data for Rantanen et al. (2022) "The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979"


Data descriptions

This dataset includes data for producing the graphs and charts in the manuscript with title "The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979" by Rantanen et al. (2022).

Figure 1. The following files includes the temperature time series for the Arctic and globally - arctic_temps_obs.csv - global_temps_obs.csv The following file include the gridded temperature trend (both with and without masking of statistically non-significant trends) and local amplification ratio -

Figure 2. These two files contain the Arctic amplification ratio and its percentile in CMIP6 ensemble as shown in Fig. 2 - obs_aa_sensitivity.csv - obs_aa_perc_cmip6.csv

Figure 3. The 43-year Arctic amplification ratio derived from the models can be found the following files: - cmip5_aa_ann.csv - cmip6_aa_ann.csv - mpi-ge_aa_ann.csv The 43-year Arctic amplification ratio derived from the observations can be found the following file: - observed_aa_ann.csv

Figure 4. Arctic amplification ratio as a function of the starting year of the trend derived from the models can be found the following files: - cmip5_aa_to_present.csv - cmip6_aa_to_present.csv - mpi-ge_aa_to_present.csv

Figure 5. The seasonality of Arctic amplification derived from CMIP6 models can be found from - and for the observations - The zip-files include monthly Arctic amplification values for each month of the year (in total 12 files).

Figure 6. Frequency distributions of all possible 43-year AA ratios between 1970 and 2040 can be derived from - cmip5_aa_ann.csv - cmip6_aa_ann.csv - mpi-ge_aa_ann.csv The observational Arctic amplification ratio can be found from - observed_aa_ann.csv.

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Metadata Access
Creator Rantanen, Mika; Karpechko, Alexey Yu.; Lipponen, Antti; Nordling, Kalle; Hyvärinen, Otto; Ruosteenoja, Kimmo; Vihma, Timo; Laaksonen, Ari
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Contributor Copernicus Climate Change Service; CSC - IT Center for Science; Max Planck Institute for Meteorology; Earth System Grid Federation
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference ACCC Flagship funded by the Academy of Finland (decision no 337552); Academy of Finland (contract 342890); Academy of Finland (contract 317999); European Commission H2020 project Polar Regions in the Earth System (PolarRES, grant 101003590)
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact mika.rantanen(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format txt; zip; nc; csv
Size 10.2 MB; 16 files
Discipline Environmental science