Sedimentological and geochemical datasets of sediment cores collected from Aurora Vent Field (82.9N) in the Fram Strait during HACON21 (MC-148, BlaC-01, BlaC-03, GC-191, GC-193) and HACON19 (MUC-33, MUC-34, MUC-37, MUC-39) expeditions. The sediment cores were collected via gravity coring (GC), multicoring (MC, MUC), and ROV-guided blade coring (BC) from the R/V Kronsprins Hakon. Gravity coring was conducted with a 6 m long steel barrel deployed which contains a PVC liner with an inner diameter of 10 cm. Here, we report the results for some laminated intervals in GC-191 (core lenght = 215 cm) and GC-193 (core lenght = 255 cm). These sites are located at various distances from the active vents. We used a KC Denmark DK8000 multicorer hosting up to six transparent plastic liners with a diameter of 10 cm and length of 70 cm. We report the results from surface (0-5 cm) sediment of the multicore MC-148 (25 cm) and some deeper samples from MUC-33, MUC-34, MUC-37, MUC-39. ROV-guided coring operations at the vent site were conducted with the ROV Aurora, owned and operated by REV Ocean (Norway). The blade cores are picked up from a compartment on the ROV by its manipulator arm and pushed into the seabed. Blade cores can reach a maximum depth of 32 cm below sea floor, have a thickness of 10 cm and a width of 25 cm. Here we report the data from the upper 5 cm of blade cores BlaC-01 (28 cm) and BlaC-03 (17 cm) and two deeper samples from BlaC-01 (19-20 cm and 25-26 cm). Sampling locations are reported in the separate the Core_location.txt file.