Aurora Vent Field (82.9N, Fram Strait) surface sediment geochemistry, grain size and mineralogy


Sedimentological and geochemical datasets of sediment cores collected from Aurora Vent Field (82.9N) in the Fram Strait during HACON21 (MC-148, BlaC-01, BlaC-03, GC-191, GC-193) and HACON19 (MUC-33, MUC-34, MUC-37, MUC-39) expeditions. The sediment cores were collected via gravity coring (GC), multicoring (MC, MUC), and ROV-guided blade coring (BC) from the R/V Kronsprins Hakon. Gravity coring was conducted with a 6 m long steel barrel deployed which contains a PVC liner with an inner diameter of 10 cm. Here, we report the results for some laminated intervals in GC-191 (core lenght = 215 cm) and GC-193 (core lenght = 255 cm). These sites are located at various distances from the active vents. We used a KC Denmark DK8000 multicorer hosting up to six transparent plastic liners with a diameter of 10 cm and length of 70 cm. We report the results from surface (0-5 cm) sediment of the multicore MC-148 (25 cm) and some deeper samples from MUC-33, MUC-34, MUC-37, MUC-39. ROV-guided coring operations at the vent site were conducted with the ROV Aurora, owned and operated by REV Ocean (Norway). The blade cores are picked up from a compartment on the ROV by its manipulator arm and pushed into the seabed. Blade cores can reach a maximum depth of 32 cm below sea floor, have a thickness of 10 cm and a width of 25 cm. Here we report the data from the upper 5 cm of blade cores BlaC-01 (28 cm) and BlaC-03 (17 cm) and two deeper samples from BlaC-01 (19-20 cm and 25-26 cm). Sampling locations are reported in the separate the Core_location.txt file.

Metadata Access
Creator Argentino, Claudio ORCID logo; Panieri, Giuliana ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Panieri, Giuliana; UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Publication Year 2025
Funding Reference Research Council of Norway 287869 ; Research Council of Norway 274330
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Panieri, Giuliana (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Resource Type analytical data; Dataset
Format text/plain
Size 7747; 2787; 510; 400; 4451; 1794; 5426
Version 3.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (-7.000W, 82.000S, -5.000E, 83.000N); UiT