Water column raw data using the ship's own Kongsberg EM 122 multibeam echosounder was not continuously recorded during RV MARIA S. MERIAN cruise MSM129/1. Data was recorded on 8 days between 2024-05-29 and 2024-06-05. This dataset contains an elongated transit survey (strait line) in the North Atlantic Ocean. Data acquisition was not constantly monitored only throughout the day, however also no system failures were noted at night times. Almost the entire time the system was set to operate with an opening angle of 65 degrees in starboard and port direction. Artificial sound velocity profiles (SVP) have been used to calibrate the system using the World Ocean Atlas 09 retrieved through the SoundSpeedManager (SSM 2024.0.3). Each day a new profile was uploaded into the Kongsberg Seafloor Information System. These profiles are part of the corresponding raw dataset (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.971634) (which include the .all files). This publication is conducted within the efforts of the German Marine Research Alliance in the core area 'Data management and Digitalization' (Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung, DAM).
These data should not be used for navigational purposes.