LPJmL5 Model Code


LPJmL5 is a dynamical global vegetation model that simulates climate and land-use change impacts on the terrestrial biosphere, the water, carbon and nitrogen cycle and on agricultural production. In particular, processes of soil nitrogen dynamics, plant uptake, nitrogen allocation, response of photosynthesis and maintenance respiration to varying nitrogen concentrations in plant organs, and agricultural nitrogen management are included into the model. A comprehensive description of the model is given by von Bloh et al. (2017,http://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2017-228). We here present the LPJmL5 model code described and used by the publications in GMD: Implementing the Nitrogen cycle into the dynamic global vegetation, hydrology and crop growth model LPJmL (version 5) (von Bloh et al., 2017) The model code of LPJmL5 is programmed in C and can be run in parallel mode using MPI. Makefiles are provided for different platforms. Further informations on how to run LPJmL5 is given in the INSTALL file. Additionally to the publication a html documentation and manual pages are provided. The LPJmL5 version is based on LPJmL3.5 that is not publicly available. The LPJmL4 version without nitrogen cycle but with an updated phenology scheme can be found on github (https://github.com/PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL).

DOI https://doi.org/10.5880/pik.2018.011
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2017-228
Related Identifier https://github.com/PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.5880/PIK.2019.021
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.5880/PIK.2018.002
Metadata Access http://doidb.wdc-terra.org/oaip/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:doidb.wdc-terra.org:6430
Creator von Bloh, Werner ORCID logo; Schaphoff, Sibyll ORCID logo; Müller, Christoph ORCID logo; Rolinski, Susanne; Waha, Katharina; Zaehle, Sönke ORCID logo
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Publication Year 2018
Rights GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 (AGPL 3.0), 19 November 2007, Copyright Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Software
Format application/x-zip-compressed; application/octet-stream
Size 1146041 Bytes; 3 Files
Version 5.0.001
Discipline Earth System Research